Ayurveda does not just help to cure the physical diseases but has a holistic approach. A combination of five therapeutic procedures which cleanses and detoxifies the body. It includes emesis, purgation, nasal drop instillation and two types of enema. These procedures help to correct the deep rooted imbalances in the body which are responsible for the various diseases. These procedures help to cure any obesity related issues by removing the accumulated fat and kapha from the body. It nourishes the whole body and also helps in correcting the metabolism. These detoxification therapies help you to lead a healthy life.
Ayurveda does not just help to cure the physical diseases but has a holistic approach. A combination of five therapeutic procedures which cleanses and detoxifies the body. It includes emesis, purgation, nasal drop instillation and two types of enema. These procedures help to correct the deep rooted imbalances in the body which are responsible for the various diseases. These procedures help to cure any obesity related issues by removing the accumulated fat and kapha from the body. It nourishes the whole body and also helps in correcting the metabolism. These detoxification therapies help you to lead a healthy life.
Our detox package involves procedures help get rid of the toxins developed in the body. These toxins are produced in the body due to the day-to-day metabolic changes. It includes herbal therapeutic massage, dhara, oil bath, purgation, steam bath and njavara kizhi. The treatment is decided on the basis of the person’s dosha constitution and imbalance.
As the name suggests this package is aimed at providing a good sound sleep. This package is highly effective in treating conditions such as insomnia (lack of sleep), anxiety etc. The therapy improves immunity and self confidence. The package includes ayurvedic therapies such as body massage, shiro vasti, shiro pichu, thalapodichil etc.
It is one of the prime therpies in ayurveda and helps to improve the functioing of the immune system in our body. Our signature program to help you destress is conducted in a precise and scientific manner to give you the best care. At our Centre, we concentrate more on getting rid of the stress accumulated in a course of time, which in turn helps to increase the body’s metabolism thereby making sure that the immunity is high. It provides the individual sound sleep, confidence and a focused life. This package includes therapeutic body massage, snehapanam, virechanam, nasyam, snehavasti, dhara, njavara kizhi and medicated steam.
Stress management is very important in this fast moving world of work stress, meeting targets and achieving goals in all walks of life. The role of stress as a cause of several diseases is well recognised in Ayurveda. Our signature program to help you destress is conducted in a precise and scientific manner to give you the best care. As per ayurvedic Treatment, we treat the human as a whole and not just the symptom. At our Centre, we concentrate more on getting rid of the stress accumulated in a course of time, which in turn helps to increase the body’s metabolism thereby making sure that the immunity is high. It provides the individual sound sleep, confidence and a focused life.
Women, pillar to our family and society. Women’s body is fragile and complex, in fact, more complicated compared to their male counterparts. With their unique role in the reproduction, fertilization and conception, and the intricate physiological conditions she goes through in her life, greater care and support is needed for her mental health and physical well-being. Our wellness program for women is a specially designed health care system, well adopted from the ancient books of Ayurveda that suits the particular needs of women in terms of her responsiveness to nature’s patterns and cycles linked to her unique conditions she often comes across in her lifetime.
Our ayurvedic pre and post delivery care for the mother is one of the best forms of care for the newbie mother and the new born baby. It involves ayurvedic therpautic massages, herbal bath, and procedures to tone up the abdominal muscles etc.
Ageing is undeniable. Each and every individual will have to come across the old age, the last stage in any lifecycle of any living being. As a person ages, there is a gradual depletion in the physical strength, cognition and memory. Added to it are the various diseases of the old age. In this stage, a long term health care and also measures to reduce the age related issues is a must. Ayurveda focuses on managing the long term debilitating diseases. It helps in making the elderly more independent, active and healthy, thereby improving the quality of their life. At our Ayurvedic Centre, we are providing the elderly with affordable, customized combinations of Ayurveda, Marma point and Energy point stimulation, based on their needs.
This rehabilitation programme is designed for Sport Persons who undergo heavy training or for those who are exhausted after a heavy workout or for an athlete after a stressful tournament, to help them regain their strength. Any kind of sports activity or even heavy training or workouts usually results in wear and tear of the connective tissues and spasm of the muscles in the long run. These can affect the overall performance and also their future performances and later ends up in Sports injuries due to wear and tear. It affects the individual both physically and mentally, by lowering their energy and confidence. Our sports rehabilitation program is designed to improve and enhance your overall performance, regain strength and improve stamina.
Ayurveda is said to be an eternal science that first existed in the universal consciousness before it was passed from the creator to the ancient Indian mystics through meditation. The origins of Ayurveda stretch deep into antiquity, as early as 3300–1300 BCE.
When it comes to Wellness, trust and credibility are major factors. With many years of long standing association in the region and goodwill from our customers, we welcome to one of the finest experiences. We don’t just cure, we prevent ailments.
Nilappana Ayurvedic Center
Kuwait Street, Al Karama
Dubai, UAE
+971 4 3355288